Quotes About Sex by Famous People

"When I get down on my knees, it is not to pray" -- Madonna

Famous People Sex Quotes

"Girls Gone Wild" : WWII Edition

That's Joseph R. Francis's Grandfather (Far Right) LOL!

Girls Gone WIl WWII Edition

"I See Dumb People..."

"I see dumb people... They're everywhere. They walk around like everyone else. They don't even know that they are dumb."

I see dumb people!

This isnt funny...

But she is so Damn HOT, I had to post it!

SO Damn Hot!


Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like mine?!?!


3 Response to "Self-Explanatory"

  1. Unknown Said,

    First of all, noone "just wakes up one morning and is that fat". It is a LONG, LONG road to get there, and any time during those years and years you could said, "Damn, wtf is wrong with me? I am getting fat. I need to have some control over my life and some self-esteem!"


  2. Anonymous Said,

    Not to mention that she POSED for this pic.


  3. Anonymous Said,

    maybe her arms are stuck that way lol


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